Weight loss is simple.
But it's really hard.
Weight loss is simple because it only requires you to burn more calories than you consume. That's the cornerstone formula of all weight loss journeys: you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight.
Maybe you knew that already.
But knowing that formula doesn't make weight loss easier.
Because you can't just burn more calories than you consume for one hour, one day, or one week. Weight loss takes a long time.
So how do you burn more calories than you consume for a long time?
That is the right question.
Your food choices and exercise routine matter today. But they also matter next month. And all the months that come after.
In other words, you need consistency. Consistency is the not-so-secret ingredient for losing weight.
Rucking for weight loss is effective because it is one of the easiest workout routines to stay consistent with. Running is hard on your joints. Yoga classes are expensive. And many people get bored of their gym membership.
But rucking has tons of advantages for weight loss. It's low impact, so your joints don't take such a beating. Rucking is free (all you need is a rucksack and some weight). And rucking never gets boring.
So rucking for weight loss is a good plan. We stand by it. You will, too.
Here's everything you need to know about rucking for weight loss.
Rucking is simple. Simple is good.
If you want to lose weight, don't complicate things. Keep it simple. Simplicity fuels consistency (and you know how important consistency is for weight loss). The less you need to think about, the better. Rucking is simply walking with weight on your back (read our beginner's guide here), which is about as simple as it gets.
Humans have carried food, water, supplies, and weapons for thousands of years, oftentimes on their backs. In fact, rucking is the most efficient way to carry a heavy load, and the fitness benefits (like weight loss) are immense.
Wear a rucksack (loaded with some weight) and go for a walk. That's as simple as it gets.

Why is rucking for weight loss so effective?
Rucking is a full body workout. It involves your legs, back, shoulders, and core. It also increases your heartrate and improves the capacity of your lungs, so the cardio benefits are similar to running. Rucking improves your strength, endurance, heart health, and mental health.
Because it makes you stronger and improves cardio at the same time, rucking torches calories.
What happens when you torch calories?
You guessed it. Your body changes. For many, that means weight loss.
Here are seven reasons rucking is an effective tool for weight loss...
1. Rucking Torches Calories
Rucking burns about 2-3X more calories than walking (you can use our rucking calorie calculator to figure out your own average calorie burn per hour). Your legs, back, shoulders, and core all play a role when you're carrying a heavy rucksack. Your heart and lungs will benefit from rucking, too, because you'll want to ruck at a consistent pace (like 15-20 minutes per mile).
When you combine a strength workout (carrying the rucksack over distance) with a cardio workout (consistent pace), you'll burn tons of calories.
If you want to train in heartrate zone 2, you should ruck. Zone 2 training is widely referenced in weight loss discussions because it's the effort level where your body uses stored fat for energy rather than carbohydrates.
2. Rucking is a Strength Exercise
Building muscle burns calories. Remember that. And rucking builds muscle.
When you ruck, you're using the large muscle groups of your legs, back, shoulders, and core. You'll probably feel some soreness after rucking (most beginners feel it in their back, shoulder, and leg muscles). That's a good thing. That soreness is caused by micro tears in your muscles, and all those micro tears have to get repaired.
Well, your body is pretty good at repairing your muscles after a workout (which makes them stronger and bigger), but it requires a lot of energy. So while you burn calories during a rucking workout, you keep burning them after, too.
Rucking for weight loss is an easy choice because it has many of the same benefits as strength training. If you're looking for all-day calorie burn, carry something heavy (like a rucksack) for an extended period of time.
3. Rucking is For Life
Consistency is essential for weight loss. It means showing up every single day, staying locked in on your goals. If your goal is weight loss, rucking will keep you in the game longer because it's low impact. Running can be hard on your joints, especially your knees and hips. But rucking is just walking with added weight.
You're less likely to get injured from rucking than running. You don't need to learn anything new, either (you're just walking, after all).
You can probably go for a ruck march right now with any backpack you've got and some weight. And you can keep going for years to come.
So if you're in it for the long haul (and weight loss can be a long journey), add rucking to your tool belt.

4. Rucking Is Accessible
Here's a reason you should try rucking: because you can try it right now. You don't need a gym membership, fitness studio, or fancy equipment to ruck. You probably don't need to go far from home, either. Pick up whatever backpack you've got lying around, throw some books or dusty dumbbells in it, and start walking. Because rucking requires little equipment and you can do it anywhere, it's easy to stick with.
Remember, consistency is key to losing weight. Rucking makes consistency easy.
Here is everything you need to start rucking:
- A rucksack: start with whatever backpack you might have lying around. Once you've broken that bag in and feel like extending your rucks, you might upgrade to something more sturdy and comfortable. We've got the best rucksacks in the world, when that time comes.
- Some weight: start with 10% of your bodyweight. Even if that feels light, it'll allow your body to adapt to your new favorite weight loss workout: rucking. You might use dumbbells, books, bricks wrapped in a towel, or Ruck Plates®. It’s that easy. We didn’t always have the perfect rucking gear, and we still got started. If weight loss is your goal, you should get started too.
- Good shoes: you should wear supportive shoes when you ruck. Your feet will thank you. You're walking with a lot of extra weight, after all. Good rucking shoes have arch support, grip the ground, and have a wide toe box. Our Mackall™ checks all the boxes. For more ankle support, check out our MACV-2 rucking boots.
5. Rucking Improves Your Sleep
Sleep is popularly known as a big factor in weight loss. Poor sleep is like poor nutrition: they both stress your body and lead to poor mental and physical performance. When you don't sleep good, you're likely to overeat and consume rich, sugary, processed foods. If you're reaching for sodas and candy at lunchtime, you won't be losing weight.
We always ruck outside, in the sunshine and fresh air. Exposure to natural sunlight while exercising--and breathing fresh air--will improve your sleep quality later on. Even a nighttime ruck will prime your body for sleep: as your body temperature lowers after exercise, your mind enters a restful state and prepares for sleep.
Quality sleep isn't just about feeling fresh in the morning. It's a major ingredient when building a quality life. And for some, a quality life starts with losing weight.
6. Rucking Fosters Accountability
Weight loss is hard, but it's a worthwhile goal. When we take on hard goals, it helps to have a community surrounding us. It's rare to meet a rucker who doesn't have a couple rucking buddies. They're easy to find at GORUCK Clubs, Events, and in Tribe 'n Training. When we hang out with people who share our values, we get excited about the challenges ahead.
That's what rucking is all about: excitement about the challenges ahead.
If you're rucking for weight loss, you won't be on the journey alone.
Green Berets use the Ruck March as a pillar of training and all United States Army infantry recruits must complete hours-long ruck marches. Rucking has been a military fitness staple for decades. Add it to your weight loss plan and reap the benefits.
Calories In, Calories Out
Rucking will help you lose weight because rucking burns calories. But you can't ruck yourself out of overeating. And rucking is going to make you more hungry, so make sure your pantry and fridge are stocked with healthy, nutrient dense foods.
If you finish your rucking workouts with a whole pepperoni pizza and a beer, you'll hurt your progress.
Seriously, paying attention to your calorie intake is a gamechanger for losing weight. You can snack your way out of a caloric deficit, or push the limits with one heavy meal. If you're serious about losing weight, you must exercise and eat less. You might count your calories and weigh your food, too.
Rucking is an effective workout to burn lots of calories, but be mindful of what's on your plate.
Weight Loss and Rucking: Progress is Key
Like any goal, you need to track your weight loss and rucking progress. Make a spreadsheet or use a notebook to document your starting rucking time, distance, and the weight in your rucksack. Write your starting bodyweight there, too. Over time, you'll see the distance, time, and rucksack weight increase, while watching your body transform.
As a beginner, start with one or two rucks per week with 10-20% of your bodyweight on your back. Do just 1 or 2 miles your first few rucks, maintaining good posture and taking breaks when needed. Don't add more than 10% to your rucksack weight or distance/time per week. In other words, take your time and level up slowly.
When you're feeling more confident walking with weight, you might add some sandbag workouts to your routine, while wearing your rucksack. Lunges, pushups, and overhead presses can all increase your calorie burn, and make rucking sessions more fun.
Have you heard of 75 hard? It's a transformational 75 day fitness program. It calls for one outdoor workout per day of at least 45 minutes. We think rucking is the perfect fit for anyone tackling 75 Hard.
Here are some progress tips for anyone who wants to lose weight:
- You'll lose the most weight at the beginning of your journey. Don't despair when it slows down, focus on an overall healthy lifestyle.
- As your weight loss naturally slows down, you might be tempted to try something new. Remember: consistency is key! It's normal for weight loss to slow down. Stay on your path, because weight loss is about good habits and a lifestyle shift, not changing your approach at every setback or slowdown. Keep on rucking.
- Muscle weighs more than fat, and rucking builds muscle. As rucking becomes a bigger part of your life, your body will look more toned and stronger. This might slow down your weight loss. However, because rucking is a cardio workout, it's unlikely to make you gain big muscles and more weight. Many people who have been rucking for years are lean and strong.
- What's on your plate matters. Don't discount nutrition because you're exercising more. Weight loss is all about your calories out being greater than your calories in. While rucking burns tons of calories, you can't outruck a nightly habit of cookies and ice cream.
- Don't forget to challenge yourself. Rucking builds confidence, and confidence leads us to try hard things. Embrace this mentality shift. Incorporate tough rucking workouts, sign up for Murph, and hold yourself accountable with a community. Challenging workouts (or events, like The GORUCK Challenge) are plateau-busters. They keep our bodies wondering what might come next, and keep our minds eager for new experiences.

Rucking Weight Loss Testimonials
We've been building the best rucking gear for over a decade, putting years of development into each product we make. Along the way, we've met some incredible people using rucking to lose weight, get fit, and improve their quality of life.
We've heard enough success stories to know that rucking is effective for weight loss. Here are some testimonials from our community...
"I didn't start rucking until I was in my late 40s and desperately needed to change my lifestyle. I was obese, and presenting a host of related medical problems. The simpleness of rucking appealed to me. Throw on a ruck and walk. This may sound cliché, but rucking saved my life. I was late 40s, somewhere north of 340 pounds, pre-diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all the rest. Through cycling and GORUCK, I lost the weight, built-up strength, and finished my first Tough at 51. I lost almost 150 pounds, and am in the best shape of my life. All my medical problems vanished. My doctor says I’m healthier than he’s ever seen me in 20 years." - Steve Ries
"I ruck to heal my heart. Shortly after turning 40 l woke up one morning with chest pains and one ER visit later I end up with three stents in my chest. I was never an athlete and lived a decidedly unhealthy lifestyle, but rucking has helped me change all of that. I tried running but was never really able to go too far. My cardiologist loves the changes and I am in better shape than I ever was." - Patrick M.
"Rucking has become a significant part of my life as I have successfully introduced it to my weight loss program. I have lost 80 lbs. and it's largely due to the rucking!" - J. Chapman