07.27.2024 “UNITED WE RUCK”
Partner WOD:
50- Burpees w/Lateral Hop over Sandbag
13- Sandbag Get Ups
50- Sandbag Back Rack Walking Lunges (each leg)
13- Sandbag Get Ups
50- Sandbag Ground to Overhead
13- Sandbag Get Ups
Cash Out: 1 mile weighted (Sandbag or Ruck), CARRYING AN AMERICAN FLAG (AFAP) as fast as possible
*both of you will do all of the reps
Rx: Sandbag 60/40lbs
*can scale by using ruck instead of sandbag
**Each of you will do all of the reps.
Start every movement together and finish with your 1 miler as fast as possible with your partner.
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