12.28.24 "SANTA'S COAL"
Santa brought us COAL this year, and we want to share it with all of you, in the first annual SANTA’S COAL Tribe workout. Invite some friends and get after it. Suffering alone is just suffering, suffering with friends is fun. Even the Grinch figured this out.
For each section, choose your least favorite movement(s).
100 sandbag burpees or 100 sandbag get-ups
"UNDER THE TREE" (Those Glorious Presents):
Do 10 rounds of 10 reps of each movement plus 100 meter carry (“stop sign and back”). That’s 30 reps + 100 meter carry — 10 times.
Pick 3 movements:
Sandbag Burpees
Flutter Kicks (4-count)
Ground to Overheads
Lunges (2-count)
Russian Twists (2-count and an easy one to hate)
Any movement you hate more than these
Do the entire workout with just a ruck, just a sandbag, with both or unweighted. When in doubt, use less weight.
Remember, choose your least favorite so this is fully customized to you and your crew.
Cash-out: "UNWRAP IT"
100 Push-Ups or 100 Thrusters. Real time decisions are welcomed on this one (you don’t have to pick till you get to it).
Your overall time is not important. Challenging yourself, accountable to others and to yourself, is the name of the game. Ice Coal Beer Curls with your crew to seal the deal on this one. Ho Ho Ho.
Athletic Brewing Beers (NA) instead of full diesel to seal the deal.
There’s nothing stopping you from getting some of SANTA’S COAL except you.
Sandbag: (60# or 40#/30# or 20#)
Ruck: (45# or 30#/20# or 10#)
Further Scale options:
Do 5 or 7 rounds instead of 10.
Scale movements down to “slick” - unweighted
Wow! Awesomeness…Kick Ass workout. Thank you!
Awesomely hard but amazing workout.
I have 3 different Go Rucks…an RPC and 2
Sizes ruckers. 0/3 are easily adjustable for on and off the back. None of my straps simply tighten or loosen when on back. Tips??? Thx!
I don’t seem to receive the daily or weekly mails.. can somebody help me out? :)
I love to push myself with friends outdoors but sometimes I’m on the road and I’m on my own and I bring my sandbag and ruck.
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