06.15.2024 "SANDBAG GONE BAD"
3 Rounds for Total Reps
60# Sandbag
Min 1 - Max Reps Bear Crawl Drag
Min 2 - Max Reps Sumo Deadlift to High Pull
Min 3 - Max Reps Clean & Jerk
Min 4 - Max Reps Thrusters
Min 5 - REST
500m Run + 12 Burpees over the Sandbag
400m Run + 12 Burpees over the Sandbag
300m Run + 12 Burpees over the Sandbag
200m Run + 12 Burpees over the Sandbag
100m Run + 12 Burpees over the Sandbag
Rx: 60/40lb Sandbag
Scoring= total reps for 3 rounds
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