09.14.24 "BUDDY WOD"

22 minute AMRAP:
22 Burpees over ruck/sandbag

22 Ruck or Sandbag Swings

22 Ruck or Sandbag Overhead Press

22 Ruck or Sandbag Zercher Reverse Lunges (total)

*split reps evenly and only one person working at a time.

**one person using the ruck and one person using the sandbag, switch gear each round

Cash Out: 2.2 mile Ruck passing ruck and sandbag off to one another

Rx: Ruck 30/20 lbs, Sandbag 60/40 lbs

*Buddy workout for Suicide Awareness Month


rounds + reps

time for the 2.2 miles

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