Monochrome mural of a man's face on a damaged building with a quote about victory, silence, and speaking out.

Stand With Ukraine


      We at GORUCK stand with the leadership, people, and military of a free and independent Ukraine. To support their freedoms, we are raising funds to deliver support for an imminent humanitarian crisis. We are currently supporting two different organizations: Save Our Allies and Green Beret Foundation.


      The UN estimates that 12 million people inside Ukraine will need relief and protection, while more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees may need protection and assistance in neighboring countries in the coming months.

      UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths said: “Families with small children are hunkered down in basements and subway stations or running for their lives to the terrifying sound of explosions and wailing sirens. Casualty numbers are rising fast. This is the darkest hour for the people of Ukraine. We need to ramp up our response now to protect the lives and dignity of ordinary Ukrainians. We must respond with compassion and solidarity.”

      Save Our Allies is sending qualified medical personnel (predominantly Special Forces medics) to the region. Their mission is to set up field hospitals in Poland and Romania, assist with bringing medical supplies to Ukraine, and to facilitate the evacuation of American Citizens, children, and the elderly/disabled over the border. The SOA Team will be on the ground for as long as there is a critical need.

      Elements of US Army Special Forces (Green Berets) are currently deployed in support of Ukrainian operations, for an unknown duration in an uncertain environment. The motto of Special Forces is De Oppresso Liber, to free the oppressed. This need will exist around the world, at a time we can’t always predict, until the end of time. Right now, it’s needed in Ukraine. The Green Beret Foundation stands ready to support family needs and any other needs that arise for the Special Forces community.

      All net proceeds of these fundraisers will go to support the organization listed on the product (SOA/GBF).