Nick Palacios
Actualmente vivo en Austin, TX pero nací en Pacheco, CA. Estoy integrado en la
Lo esencial de Nick Gear Selecciones

Favorite Workout:
4 rounds: Assault Bike - 5 mins, 4 mins, 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min
Sled Push - 30 yards progressively adding load each set
Rest 1 min between sets.
Advice To Your Younger Self:
Be consistent in everything you do. Stop looking all around at what other people are doing and taking away from the opportunities in front of you. The amount of progress you can make in just 6 months time from consistent compounded effort will absolutely shock you & give you all the motivation you need to keep moving forward.
What’s On Top Of Your Rucking Playlist:
Shoot to thrill - AC/DC
Texas - BigXthaPlug
Captain America - Cal Scruby
4th Dimension - Kid Cudi & Kanye
Favorite Beer / Coffee Order:
Morning Fix from Strong Coffee!