02.13.2024 "RUCK FEST"
1000m Ruck
1 minute Plank Hold
800m Ruck
80 Ruck Swings
600m Ruck
60 Ruck Walking Lunges
400m Ruck
40 Single Arm Ruck Strict Press (total)
200m Ruck
20 Ruck Plank Ups
Rx: 30/20 lbs
Scoring= for time
02.13.2024 "RUCK FEST"
1000m Ruck
1 minute Plank Hold
800m Ruck
80 Ruck Swings
600m Ruck
60 Ruck Walking Lunges
400m Ruck
40 Single Arm Ruck Strict Press (total)
200m Ruck
20 Ruck Plank Ups
Rx: 30/20 lbs
Scoring= for time
All GORUCK built gear, apparel, and footwear — everything we manufacture — comes with our Scars Lifetime Guarantee.
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